Monday, March 30, 2009

Well last night I was laying on the bed with my feet up because they were swollen. I didn't think you were supposed to have swollen feet this early in the pregnancy but oh well. It's a little annoying lately because my shoes are all getting tighter and smaller. I guess it's a combination of loosening ligaments and water retention. I guess I am just getting a preview of the discomforts I'll have when I get to the third trimester. Anyway as I was laying down I was looking at my belly and suddenly it jumped. It was so funny. The baby was kicking so hard that I could see my skin push out. I called Jim over and he could see her too, she was going crazy in there:) but when he put his hand on my stomach to feel her and she stopped kicking. Our silly little girl has been doing that a lot the last few days, I dunno why she won't let daddy feel her. A few days ago though, Jim did get to feel her alot. She was kicking tons and Jim said that's the most he's been able to feel her so far. He is going to be such a good daddy, I love when he touches or talks to the baby. his "baby time" is one of my favorite things and makes me love him even more. I love it when our little girl kicks. Yesterday made it a lot more real when my skin was poking out from her kicks and it was really exciting. It'll be fun to watch my jumping belly now and know that there is a tiny new human life inside of me.


  1. Isn't that the greatest feeling! It these times I feel like strengthened our mommy baby relationship! He was my baby and we communicated and got to know each other! Its just the beginning of these great feelings! CUTE!!

  2. Fun! That never got old to me, even when Preston was having soccer practice at 3am in there. Has your baby had hiccups yet? That is hilarious to feel...
